Brightsquid Healthcare Data Delivery Blog A place to discover perspectives on the latest advancements in healthcare technology, catch updates about Secure-Mail, and dig into topics relevant to care management in the digital era. Clinics are shutting down rather than deal with the fallout of a ransomware attack This new form ransom attacks should have healthcare freaking out Windows 7 is about to put a big hole in clinic defenses Patients are serving lawsuits to healthcare organizations who fail to protect their information Cybercriminals aren’t just stealing one password – they’re taking all of them Vigilance is the necessity of breach prevention 9 ways patients are at risk after a privacy breach The state of phishing in 2020 might be bad news for your clinic Survey says: Clinics prioritize privacy breach prevention (guess why) Best Practices for Virtual Care and flattening the curve of COVID-19 How patients safely connect with their doctors from home PRIVACY ALERT: Scammers using fake Coronavirus notifications to spread ransomware Virtual Care Tool Comparison: Zoom vs. Secure-Mail Virtual Care Tool Comparisons Comparing Secure-Mail to EMRs and patient portals 1 2 3 4 5 6 … 9