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Understand the plan for Modernizing Alberta’s Primary Care System (MAPS)

Improving Primary Care Systems

The Modernizing Alberta’s Primary Care System (MAPS) plan is a comprehensive initiative aimed at improving and updating the primary health care system in Alberta. This plan focuses on ensuring that primary health care services are more accessible, efficient, and better coordinated to meet the evolving needs of Alberta’s population. 

Let’s summarize the key components of the MAPS plan and their implications for healthcare providers in Alberta.

show the full team of healthcare providers integrated in a network

Key Components of the MAPS Plan:

  1. Integrated Care Networks:
    • Establishing Integrated Care Networks (ICNs) that link primary care providers with specialists, hospitals, and community services to ensure seamless and coordinated care.
    • ICNs aim to provide a patient-centered approach, reducing duplication of services and improving health outcomes.
  2. Enhanced Access to Primary Care:
    • Increasing the availability of primary care services through extended hours, virtual care options, and walk-in clinics.
    • Reducing wait times for appointments and making it easier for patients to access the care they need when they need it.
  3. Team-Based Care:
    • Promoting a collaborative approach where healthcare providers, including doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and allied health professionals, work together as a team.
    • Team-based care ensures that patients receive comprehensive and continuous care, addressing all aspects of their health.
  4. Digital Health Innovations:
    • Implementing advanced digital health technologies, such as electronic health records (EHRs), secure digital communication (secure email, large file transfer,…), telehealth, and mobile health applications.
    • Enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of health information exchange, enabling better decision-making and patient care.
  5. Focus on Prevention and Chronic Disease Management:
    • Emphasizing preventive care and the management of chronic diseases through regular screenings, health education, and lifestyle interventions.
    • Aiming to reduce the burden of chronic diseases and improve the overall health of the population.
  6. Health Equity and Inclusivity:
    • Ensuring that primary health care services are accessible to all individuals, regardless of their socioeconomic status, geographic location, or cultural background.
    • Addressing health disparities and promoting equity in healthcare delivery.

Modernizing Alberta’s Primary Care System: Implications for Healthcare Providers

  1. Adoption of Team-Based Care Models:
    • Healthcare providers will need to collaborate more closely with other professionals to deliver comprehensive care.
    • Training and adapting to team-based care approaches will be essential.
  2. Increased Use of Digital Health Tools:
    • Providers will need to become proficient in using digital health technologies such as EHRs, telehealth platforms, and health apps.
    • Ongoing education and support will be required to effectively integrate these tools into daily practice.
  3. Enhanced Focus on Patient-Centered Care:
    • Providers will need to prioritize patient needs and preferences, ensuring that care plans are tailored to individual patients.
    • Communication skills and patient engagement strategies will be crucial.
  4. Participation in Integrated Care Networks:
    • Providers will be part of ICNs, which will require coordination and communication with a broader network of health services.
    • Effective collaboration and information sharing will be key to the success of ICNs.
  5. Commitment to Preventive Care and Chronic Disease Management:
    • Providers will need to focus more on preventive measures and managing chronic conditions through proactive care.
    • This may involve more frequent patient follow-ups and the use of preventive care protocols.
  6. Emphasis on Health Equity:
    • Providers will need to ensure that their services are inclusive and accessible to all populations.
    • Cultural competence and sensitivity training will be important to address the diverse needs of the patient population.

What MAPS means for you:

The Modernizing Alberta’s Primary Health Care System plan represents a significant shift toward a more integrated, patient-centered, and efficient healthcare system. For healthcare providers in Alberta, this means embracing new models of care, adopting advanced technologies, and working collaboratively within a broader network of health services. By doing so, providers will be better equipped to meet the evolving needs of their patients and contribute to a more sustainable and effective healthcare system in Alberta.

Read more about MAPS and the results of public engagement here.