
Prove to Your Patients that Protecting Their Privacy is a Priority

It’s important to get loud and proud about your clinic’s privacy and security measures. We have recently launched our Brightsquid Protect Stickers that announce your commitment to confidentiality to your patients. We encourage you to place one on the front door of your practice as a banner of your commitment to protecting your patients.

You earn this sticker when your clinic commits to ongoing privacy diligence by completing a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) that establishes compliant policies and procedures, using Secure-Mail, and training everyone in your practice on how they must keep patient information safe.

We encourage all of our privacy services subscribers to attend our Privacy Compliance Training  events. You and your clinic staff will leave with:

  • An understanding of your responsibility to protect patient information
  • Awareness of privacy laws and regulatory requirements
  • Best practices for operating your clinic in compliance with regulations
  • An overview of the current threat landscape (both internally and externally)
  • An action plan on how to avoid common privacy breaches
  • Relevant and specific case studies, which outline the severe effects that a data breach can have on your clinic

You will receive your very own Brightsquid Protect Sticker in your completed PIA binder, along with compliant policies and procedures tailored to your clinic and templates for critical documents such as Information Manager Agreements (IMAs) and Vendor Nondisclosure Agreements (VNDAs). Once on display, these stickers officially signify that your clinic is fully trained in privacy and compliance and is handling patient data safely.

Give your patients peace-of-mind every time they walk in your door, and show them another important reason your clinic stands out over others. With a continued compliance subscription, you can even send new staff to training each year, or return to training for a refresher (which is recommended annually).

We hope is that this sticker will be proudly displayed by clinics across Alberta soon, and recognized by patients as a symbol that you are protecting their sensitive information.

Ready to get your Brightsquid Protect Sticker?

Visit https://brightsquid.com/products/pia-bundle to subscribe to our Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) Package and receive instant access to staff training. If you’ve already attended a training event and would like us to mail you your sticker, get in touch today!
E: privacy@brightsquid.com