
Patient Changemaker: Help make healthcare more efficient

With a baby on the way, time is tight for Lawson and his wife. Extra trips to the clinic to pick up lap requisitions or waiting for them to arrive in the mail unnecessarily complicates their life, and potentially delays important tests. The convenience and security of Secure-Mail are important to them and they breathe easier knowing they have better communications with their clinic. 

Unlike Secure-Mail, regular email travels the open internet and can be easily obtained by cybercriminals – a major risk to privacy that comes with significant consequences such as identity theft. More and more patients are preferring Secure-Mail because of the security and convenience. 

Stop wasting time and delaying care playing phone tag with your clinics. Patients in Alberta can get their own Secure-Mail account for free when they login through the provincial MyHealth Records service (hyperlink to: https://brightsquid.com/pages/patient-mhr-landing-page).

Here is Lawson’s full experience and why he’s more satisfied using Secure-Mail

“One of the main and best features of using this software, my wife and I are able to get the requisitions that we need quickly and securely. We are then able to take those requisitions to the appointment that was already booked for us and communicated through Brightsquid, and ensure that all the proper information has been handled appropriately. It has made getting through our current pregnancy, so much easier.”