Find out how you can reduce clinic overhead costs by more than $5,000 and save staff hundreds of hours of time every year.
Many common operational procedures create unnecessary expense and waste your team’s time. The weight of these bad habits is hard to recognize when you’re busy just trying to get the next patient though, fill cancellations, and answer those calls on hold.
By watching this webinar you’ll learn which of your clinic processes are costing you too much time and money and the easy ways you can reduce overhead to focus more resources on patient care.
If you’re following any of these processes, your processes are too complex and can be simplified:
Spending overhead on stamps and envelopes
Printing documents to fax them then shredding them
Printing documents to stuff into envelopes for mailing
Scanning documents received via fax back into digital format and then shredding them
Making and remaking phone calls that are often not answered
Phone call/mail appointment reminders
Patients fill in paper forms on arrival so they can be shredded
Manually entering patient form data
Physicians collecting all complaint data during an encounter