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Stay Healthy By Staying in Touch With Your Healthcare Team

This week, Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer is advising Canadians to catch up on any healthcare appointments you may have missed during the initial wave of the COVID-19 epidemic. It’s important for the maintenance of your ongoing health.

In her statement, Dr. Theresa Tam said, “Delaying essential medical visits can lead to bigger health problems down the road.” And that taking care of baseline health can help us all stay strong against the threat of COVID-19. 

Dr. Tam explained that, “Health care providers and the colleges and professional bodies that regulate and inform their practices have worked hard to increase the availability and quality of virtual care in Canada.” Brightsquid Secure-Mail is a big part of that response. Use of Secure-Mail has tripled since May with many large healthcare organizations and jurisdictions  implementing the service to introduce remote consultation between patients and their providers. 

You can use Secure-Mail to continue to manage your health with the professionals on your team while doing your part to maintain social distancing and limit further spread of COVID-19.

Read the full release from Dr. Tam here.