Brightsquid Healthcare Data Delivery Blog A place to discover perspectives on the latest advancements in healthcare technology, catch updates about Secure-Mail, and dig into topics relevant to care management in the digital era. Relieving the Privacy Pressure on Healthcare Clinics Privacy Impact Assessment – Expert advice on getting your PIA right Keep Referral Costs Under $40.00/Month Privacy compliant communication with Brightsquid Secure-Mail Recent Privacy Breaches Clinics Need to be Aware of Data Breaches in healthcare – 2019 preliminary report Privacy breaches are going up in Alberta – Protect your practice Here’s how patients want to be involved with their healthcare Clinics avoid privacy breaches with Brightsquid privacy support Clinics are shutting down rather than deal with the fallout of a ransomware attack This new form ransom attacks should have healthcare freaking out Windows 7 is about to put a big hole in clinic defenses Patients are serving lawsuits to healthcare organizations who fail to protect their information Cybercriminals aren’t just stealing one password – they’re taking all of them Vigilance is the necessity of breach prevention 1 2 3 4 5 … 8