Brightsquid Healthcare Data Delivery Blog A place to discover perspectives on the latest advancements in healthcare technology, catch updates about Secure-Mail, and dig into topics relevant to care management in the digital era. Why Preventing Ransomware Attacks is Critical for Dental Clinics in the US Support for Indigenous Patients in Addressing Communication Challenges How Brightsquid Secure-Mail Enhances Clinic Well-being and Team Satisfaction Important Steps and Considerations for Implementing Team-based Care The Benefits of a Team-based Care Model How Secure-Mail helps enhance health information exchange in primary care How MAPS will impact the day-to-day for healthcare providers Understanding The Connected Care for Canadians Act What is an Integrated Care Network Secure Messaging for Remote Team-based Palliative Care How Preventing Ransomware is Like Washing Your Hands Understand the plan for Modernizing Alberta’s Primary Care System (MAPS) Enabling Privacy by Design in Canadian Healthcare How ‘Brightsquid’ means better coordination of care Partners in Team-based Care – Chiropractors 1 2 3 … 8