Alberta Blue Cross now accepts diagnostic records including images and reports using Brightsquid Secure-Mail.
You can securely submit electronic diagnostic records to Alberta Blue Cross using Brightsquid Secure-Mail. Alberta Blue Cross is now part of Brightsquid’s global provider directory.
When your office submits a claim or predetermination, and diagnostic records are required, you no longer have to send the images in the mail. You can now use Brightsquid Secure-Mail to submit all your diagnostic records electronically.
If Alberta Blue Cross requires diagnostic records, this will be indicated on the electronic response or the explanation of benefits statement.
Follow these easy steps to submit your images:
- Log in your Brightsquid Secure-Mail account at https://health.brightsquid.com
- Click the green “Compose” button to create a new message
- In the “To:” field, enter ABCdentalimages@ab.bluecross.ca to address your message to Alberta Blue Cross
- When sending your diagnostic records, please enter the patient’s full name and coverage number in the subject line.
- Click the “Browse” button to find any images, x-rays or other supporting documents you wish to send. Maximum file size is 500MB, but you can include as many 500MB files as you need.
- Click “Send”
Alberta Blue Cross routinely requires diagnostic records for the following dental services:
- Anterior crowns and veneers—anterior teeth are considered to be from the first incisor up to and including the first bicuspid in each quadrant (teeth one to four).
- Inlays and onlays—all teeth.
- Implants—all teeth.
- Double pontics and retainers (where the procedure is being performed on consecutive teeth).
Alberta Blue Cross is here to help with electronic submissions. If your office experiences any difficulties with electronic submissions, there is a dedicated resource that will work with you to resolve any issues. This service is free to all dental providers. Please contact David Roethlingshoefer by email at droethlingshoefer@ab.bluecross.ca or call 780-498-8214, if you require assistance.
If you have questions about signing up for Brightsquid Secure-Mail, please visit their website at www.brightsquid.com or call our sales team at 1-800-238-6503 x 104.